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Will A Huge Asteroid Hit Earth in 29 April 2020?

Will A Huge Asteroid Hit Earth in 29 April 2020 | क्या 29 अप्रैल 2020 को इंसानों का अंत हो जायेगा ? 

Will our Earth end by an asteroid on 29 April 2020? It has been spread all over the world that on April 29, an asteroid named 52768 (1998 OR2) is coming towards the Earth fast and this meteorite will destroy the life on our earth as if the dinosaur is destroyed by the Earth. Had become It is completely rumored that this asteroid will have a bad effect on our earth. NASA and many big space agencies have also confirmed that there is no truth in the fact that this meteor will have no effect on the life on our earth. 52768 (1998 OR2) asteroid

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